Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Links on the Web (Resource Library of Links)

This has become a resource very rich and timely information - spend a few minutes here and you will see what I mean. Each member has a different interest and background. 9-12 Project is not commenting on their application to our group.

http://the912project.com/ NAtional web site for 9-12 Project
http://the9-12projectnorthcarolina.ning.com/ The North Carolina, 9-12 Project site
http://9-12projecthaywoodcountync.ning.com/ The 9-12 Project - Haywood County
http://9-12projectashevillenc.ning.com/ Asheville Site for the 9-12 project.

Face Book - North Carolina Chapter are available but do not link easily

http://atlasshrugged.com/ Very Interesting...

http://www.thenational912coalition.net/ This is a Constitutionally based Coalition

http://www.teapartyday.com/National Tea Party site with Video

http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/ for FREE High resolution downloads.

http://www.congress.org/congressorg/dbq/media/ register here to receive notices on local/national votes and easy to contact the local media. Sign up here for the email notices.

http://912candidates.org/ Involved in Getting candidates elected


IOUSA Movie you were asking about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_TjBNjc9Bo Great 30 minute Video of the IOUSA movie - that addresses basic current events in the USA economy. CNN did a great update using the whole movie if you can find it.

Video http://www.wimp.com/thegovernment/ "Great History Lesson", "Explanation of Government", "For Children, too" We are a Replublic not a Democracy - know the difference?

http://vimeo.com/3722293This is very informative - How Hedge Funds caused the Global Economic Meltdown.

Info http://AmericanSolutions.com/Jobs

A member responds: when you form your study group for the 5000 year leap, a wonderful resource is http://ourcaucus.com/

http://www.nccs.net/ good book prices - 5000 Year Leap - Get this book for $19.95 or 10+ copies for $5.00 each. They have Study Guides available also, which sound great.

For Christy, Here's a cool Constitution with interactive hierarchical tab for definitions: http://www.nccs.net/freedom_defined/const.html

http://www.resistnet.com/a group of 'action minded' people.

Here is a summary outline of the constitution: http://www.nccs.net/constitution-week/const_at_a_glance.pdf

Fair Tax association in the 11th District http://www.grassrootsfreedomride.com/ On the national level the address is http://www.fairtax.org/

Books available on line - http://www.glennbeck.com/content/books/

http://www.jbs.org/ The John Birch Society

Copies of the Constitution (50 for $25.00) - https://secure.heritage.org/PocketConstitutions/?src=first

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